497 Archway Road: no, there was no piano and it wasn't playing hot behind the green door.
This is the old family home as it is today. My grandparents brought the family over from Belfast sometime around 1952/1953. My Aunt, Alison, thinks she was about 6 months old. This is her with her mother, Sarah (Sadie) Knight and an uncle (Alec) outside 497:
....that's Roderick David Stewart in his own words. Born in Highgate, North London, on 10th January 1945. Rod's father Robert Joseph Stewart came from King's Port in Edinburgh, Scotland. Rod's mother, Elsie, came from Upper Holloway, North London. The Cockney girl fell for the Scot and the couple married in 1928. The Stewart clan began to appear afterwards. Rod's brothers Don and Bob and his sisters Mary and Peggy were all born in Scotland. However the family moved to London to 507 Archway Road, Highgate where after a gap of eight years, young Roddy was born. This means that Rod is the only member of the family to have been born in England, a misfortune which Rod has tended to overlook....
Rod Stewart's childhood was conventional. He lived above the newsagent's shop in Archway Road in North London. The newsagent's shop was owned by the Stewarts themselves. As already mentionned, Roderick was the youngest of five so he was spoilt by his family but of course he was taught to respect his elders, especially his parents. He was mainly interested in football and model railways. He's never lost that passion over the years. He still enjoys to play with the model railway and football is still as important (or even more) to him than it was way back in the fifties. He was very much interested in the singer Al Jolson, an American Jewish baritone, who was very popular in the thirties. Rod's father and the two brothers were football fans. They even started a local team called the 'Highgate Redwings'.
Agalun Corralough/Corlongford Killartry Aghacramphill Cornakessagh Kilcarry Aghavea Cornamucklagh Killybarne Aghavoory Cornarooslan Killycloghy Agheeghter Cran Killykeeran Aghnacloy Cranbrooke Knockmacmanus Aghnagrane Creagh Largy Altagoaghan Crocknagowan Lisboy Altawark Crocknagrally Lismalore Altnaponer Curraghanall Lisnabane Ardmoney Deerpark Lisolvan Ardmore Derrinton Longfield Arduncheon Derrycrum Lurganbane Arlish Derrychree Magonragh Ashbrooke Derrychulla Mullaghafad Aughnagrawne Derrycullion Mongibbaghan Ballymacaffry Derryheely Monmurry [?Bannafily] Derryloman Nutfield Bohattan Derrynalester Owenskerry Bonnerloghy [Bunlougher] Derrynavogy Rafintan Boyhill Dooederny Ramult Breandrum Doogary Ranafely Brobrohan Dressoge Raw Brookeborough Drombrughas Sheebeg Broughderg Drumgorran Skeoge Bunlougher Drummorris Stripe Cappanagh Edengilhorn Tattenaheglish Carrickapolin Erdinagh Tattenalee Cavanagarvan Ervey Tattenbuddagh Cavanaleck Eshacorran Tattendillur Cavans Eshnasillog Tattinfree Claraghy Eskeragh Tattykeeran Cleen Foglish Tattynuckle Cleffany Foydragh Tattyreagh Cloghtogle Gorteen Tireeghan Coolcoghill Greagh Tirkenny Coolrakelly Grogey Todragh Cooltrane Guderagh Trasna Cooneen Grogey Tullreagh Corcreeny Killabran Tullykenneye Corlacky Killabreagy Tullynagowan Corlough White Hill
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